Friday, March 23, 2007

Darth Sion

When the Sith Order on Korriban turned on themselves after Darth Malak's death and Darth Revan's disappearance, Sion was, apparently, one of the Sith Lords that escaped to the Unknown Regions in the galaxy.

But it seemed he actually went to Malachor V, where he became apprentice to Darth Traya, Revan's former teacher.

Sion was a uniquely powerful individual, having learned the ways of pain in the Trayus Academy on Malachor.

Torturing and killing others enhanced his strength in the Force, and his ability to feed on his own pain and hatred made him immortal. A master with a lightsaber and perhaps the most infamous Sith assassin of the era, Sion is known to be responsible for the death of countless Jedi during the shadow war waged by himself and Lord Nihilus.

Darth malak - True Hearth

Star Wars: KOTOR - Darth Malak Orders Taris Destroyed

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Darth Malak

"And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing."

Darth Malak was a master swordsman, and an adept Force-user, excelling particularly in such dark side skills as Force lightning, Life Drain, and Force choking.

He holds it with one hand rather than with both. And possibly the first Dark Lord to use the style. Darth Vader's later use of the same style further into his dark side training may indicate that this is a Sith specific style. It was a style also used by master Sith swordsman Count Dooku.

Ajunta Pall

"I am that which grips the heart in fright,
Harkens night and silences the light."

Ajunta Pall was a Dark Jedi, and later one of the first Sith Lords following the Hundred Year Darkness.

Ajunta Pall was one of the founding leaders of the old Sith during the time of the Old Sith Empire centered on Korriban, shortly after the Hundred-Year Darkness.